Planned Worship this quarter

Hand sanitiser continues to be available in the building and we ask that people are considerate to those who may not be comfortable in crowded spaces by giving people space. If you have any concerns about returning to church for worship, please contact your pastoral leader, a steward or Rev Ruth Childs.

11am (in church)6:15pm (as indicated)

1st September Ms S SpencerChilds (HC - in church)
8th September Ashfield Williams (in church)
15th September S Allen LA - H Allen (zoom)
22nd September LAno service at Wesley 
29th September PalfreymanKisob (HC - in church)
6th October Childs - Harvest, family service & HCButler (in church)
13th October LALA (zoom)
20th October T AllenTaylor (in church)
27th October HigginsI Belcher (zoom) 
3rd November Childs (HC) Williams (HC - in church) 
10th November Spencer Kisob (zoom)
17th November LAWalters (in church) 
24th November 10:30am - Circuit Service at Tipton Greenno service 

HC - including Holy Communion

LA - Local Arrangement

Tea & coffee are served in the concourse before and after each in-church service (from 10:30am and from 5:45pm); an opportunity to meet together in fellowship.

On the last Sunday of this quarter (24th November), the whole circuit will join together for worship at Tipton Green Methodist Church (DY4 8LD). Worship is at 10:30am, tea/coffee and breakfast pastries will be served before worship. We are all invited for fellowship and worship together as a whole circuit following on from our Circuit Celebration Day in July.

All are welcome

Please contact us for zoom details if you are not on our regular mailing lists. At-home worship material is also available by email; contact us via the church email address if you wish to receive this.

We are all here to support each other, please get in touch if you need anything.

We are part of the Black Country Circuit; details on the circuit website