Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we have been awarded a Bronze ECO Church certificate by A Rocha UK for all of our efforts to date in demonstrating our Care for Creation;

- in our Worship and teaching,
- our work with our building and green space,
- our community engagement including becoming a Fair Trade Church and our fundraising efforts for Tear Fund through our toilet twinning
- and encouraging each other to make changes to our own lifestyles.

Getting to this point is fantastic but the work doesn't stop here. We will continue to share what more we can do to work towards supporting our Church and Circuit in our commitments to meet the aims of the Methodist Church to become Net Zero by 2030.

With other churches in The Black Country Circuit and Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District of The Methodist Church, we celebrated Care for Creation Sunday on 29th January.

As part of our journey towards Eco Church Bronze award, we became certified as a Fair Trade Church; we encourage members to buy Fair Trade products and to serve Fair Trade tea & coffee when serving refreshments at church.